Friday, January 22, 2010

In which I say thank you and jump for joy

I am not sure there are words to describe the joy in my heart right now. I feel like dancing, but find myself doing a lot of crying instead. Oh, the greatness of our God; who in a moment can set a captive free, call home a lost sheep, and restore what has been stolen. He is truly able and faithful and good.

You will remember my plea for prayer awhile back? I gave few details at the time, but still God heard your prayers, dear readers. And the prayers of a few trusted friends and family. My son, who had gone his own way, has come home to Jesus. Really, truly come home!

I have a renewed appreciation for the power of intercession, that's for sure. We really do not wrestle with flesh and blood and the here and now and what we see. We are fighting a battle,every,single day that is in the heavenlies, in a realm unseen. We forget. We sometimes mistakenly focus on what is right before us, when the battle rages in the unseen realm. If I have learned anything from this season of battle, it is that the only way to win a war is to pray, pray, pray and keep on praying to the One who holds the world in His hands and allow him to fight for me. He is strong and loving and faithful.

I would continue to covet your prayers for my son. He has chosen well, but I know the enemy wants him badly. Please, pray for a hedge of protection to be around him. And for a continued sense of God's pleasure for him. He needs to continue to feel the love of God toward him. Oh, the great, great love of God! It surely binds us to the Savior!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I had this word in the car yesterday for your son -- "He's becoming a man of significant influence." Wow, no wonder the enemy wants him. And, wow, no wonder God wants him to "return" on this first wave. Your son's generation needs him.

    I love you (and yours).
