Saturday, June 12, 2010

In which time moves too fast

"Are we gonna do a mother-son dance?", he asks me on the phone? "I thought we would.", I say and then the tears begin. So here we are trying to come up with a song and every one has me weeping. Not teary...weeping.

When, exactly, did he grow up? Where did that little boy with curls and osh kosh overalls run off to? What happened to the years of catching frogs and playing with tractors and building forts? When did he stop bmxing and skateboarding? When did we stop staying up until one in the morning trying to sort life out together? How did time go by so fast? And for heaven's sake, when did he become another woman's?

We will dance together. My son and I. And then I will blow my nose and smile and give him to my very first daughter. And pretend I was ready.

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