Monday, December 12, 2011

My Parents...forty-seven years and counting

I've been sitting here trying to write a post to honor my parents. After all, forty-seven years is a long time in a fallen world. And I am acutely aware of the gift this is to my brother and me. I wrote a whole post about their faithfulness to each other and to their family and the church and God but it seemed so dull. True and noble, but dull, none-the-less. Faithful is the one word that exactly describes them, but it doesn't sound all that thrilling or romantic or exciting. I mean serving each other, even when it isn't fun or what you want to do, day in and day out isn't what romantic movies are made of. Taking care of each others parents, cutting your wife's father's toenails and visiting nursing homes and hospitals isn't the stuff of romantic movies. Making it through financial hard times and lawsuits and the time your kid wrecks your new truck isn't all that exciting. I mean, yes, they stood by each other through thick and thin, through surgeries and lean times, but what really stands out to me and what I clearly remember and suspect may be the true glue is this...

They were always kissing in the kitchen.

And that may just be the secret to their long and faithful marriage. I am following their example closely, so in twenty years, I will know for sure.

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad! I love you and am proud to have your wonderful example to follow!

1 comment:

  1. Just stumbled across your blog through your facebook post. Glen and I are also following the tradition of kissing in the kitchen and so far - through thick and thin -- we are 26 years and counting. :0) We kiss other places too and I heartily recommend it. Hope that you, Michael and the family have a great Christmas. How great it must be to have parents who serve God and each other as an example to you and to your children!
