Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A bit of fall

I thought maybe I should show you a little bit of our fall this year.
We did our yearly leaf drive up through Santa Clara to Saranac to Lake Placid in October.
It was pretty, as you can see, although a week earlier would have been better.

Isn't he cute?
And 12 already!
And the only one who wanted to go with us.

Look at that smile!
What a cutie!
We rewarded him for coming with us by buying him McDonalds.

That handsome guy is my favorite person alive.
He carries my kayak for me.
And he pushes me out and pulls me back in so my feet stay dry!
I love that man!
And I love kayaking in the fall.

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In which I decorate tables

Last Saturday we had a lovely ladies brunch at church. I thought I would show you the two tables I decorated for the event.

My beautiful fall table with my beautiful Rowe pottery.
Notice the gorgeous centerpiece in my mother's gorgeous dough box.
Beautiful, is it not?

This is the fun Christmas table I did with my friend Paula.
We had a blast putting this together, and I was thrilled with the results.
So gay and Christmasy is it not?

It was quite a lovely affair.
I only had to haul half my house to the church.
Then bring it all home dirty, wash it and put it away.
But that's okay, because it was fun and for a good cause.
We raised over $900.00 for our local food pantries!

Happy Holidays!
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Saturday, August 28, 2010


I was just looking through Craigslist and suddenly I was transported to another place and time. Someone was selling a "davenport and chair". Suddenly, I was a little girl, sitting on my grandparents couch or davenport, as my Gram called it, watching The Price is Right. The fan on a stand is running and we are snapping beans while we watch Bob Barker announce the winner of the showcase showdown. We will eat dinner soon...not lunch...dinner. We will have cucumbers sliced the long way and tomatoes sliced into wedges along with our boiled potatoes and maybe roast beef. Gram will ask me how many corn I will eat, because she won't want to cook any extra ears...just what we will eat. When I say three she will smile at me and indulge me. My grandparents always indulged me in the littlest of ways that felt big to me. For dessert we will have a bowl of fresh raspberries or maybe some rhubarb sauce served in the little green and yellow plastic bowls. I will dry the dishes while Gram washes them. I love to put them away, so that I can look around in the walk in pantry. That way I can look up at the pretty dishes on the top shelf. I am hoping to get to settle onto the davenport again and watch the soaps, but Grandpa will probably have other plans for me...plans like weeding the garden or just following him around outside and doing whatever he asks me to do. And he will do it at his own pace, not mine. He doesn't really care if I get to watch the soaps. He thinks I need to make myself useful and he likes a little company...someone to visit with. Eventually, he will let me go back in and I will get to find out what Victor is up to today. I will settle onto the davenport, next to Gram in her chair. Grandpa will come in after a while too and sit in his chair over on the other side of the door.

What a lucky little girl I was. What wonderful memories my grandparents gave me. Nothing big or flashy or expensive. Just fried potatoes and golden grahams and rhubarb sauce and time and patience and love. God has been so good to me.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

In which I grab summer while I can

This week has been one of those "I wish summer would never end." weeks. I have enjoyed kayaking, long walks, reading on the glider and having the windows wide open. Sheets have dried on the line in minutes, and I ask you, what smell in the world is better than fresh sheets from the line? Well, maybe a newborn baby, but that's about it. We've had fires in the fire pit and ate yummy marshmallows and s'mores and watched the stars fill the night sky. We've feasted on corn on the cob, fresh tomatoes and grilled chicken, burgers and hot dogs. Summer is such a wonderful gift here in the North Country. Yes, it is. But...Fall is quickly approaching, so I intend to grab as much summer as I can... I am off to pull the sheets in and bury my head in them again. God is good!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

In which time moves too fast

"Are we gonna do a mother-son dance?", he asks me on the phone? "I thought we would.", I say and then the tears begin. So here we are trying to come up with a song and every one has me weeping. Not teary...weeping.

When, exactly, did he grow up? Where did that little boy with curls and osh kosh overalls run off to? What happened to the years of catching frogs and playing with tractors and building forts? When did he stop bmxing and skateboarding? When did we stop staying up until one in the morning trying to sort life out together? How did time go by so fast? And for heaven's sake, when did he become another woman's?

We will dance together. My son and I. And then I will blow my nose and smile and give him to my very first daughter. And pretend I was ready.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Midnight thoughts

The God of the universe wants to be our friend. He wants to walk with us and speak to us and direct us in the way of peace. He wants to help us. He loves us so much that he gave his only son. His only son! I have five and I cannot imagine giving even one of them up for anyone or anything. The God who is big and good and powerful wants to be our friend! Why in the world then would we not want to be his? This is what I am trying to understand tonight as I lay in bed not sleeping.

How can the world be that alluring? How can a person spend even one minute in the Presence of the One who loves them and want to go back to the world and it's stink? Where is the power in self or in a sin filled world? It makes no sense. God is so good.

Choice. I know it all comes down to choice. We have to choose Him. We have to choose to walk with Him and accept His love and help and friendship. I think God was very brave to give us free will. It must cause Him so much pain when someone who has known His touch turns and walks alone, when all God wants is to walk with us. Why would we not choose Him? He is so good!

Anyhow, after wandering around in my thoughts and emotions tonight, I have to say that choice or free will aside, I believe in the power of intercession. I refuse to stand idly by and allow the god of this world steal what belongs to the True and Living God. So, as hard as it is to understand a wandering heart or a bad much as it hurts to see someone I love in the muck, I will pray. And I will gather other prayers and we will storm heaven and we will see the captive set free. Because God is good. And I believe that!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

In which I appease my faithful followers

Well, as usual, I have gone forever between posts. It isn't that nothing is happening. The trouble is that so much is happening all the time, that I rarely make writing here a priority. However, of late, I have received criticism from some of my dear followers (read my mom and my uncle) for my lack of diligence, so in an effort to keep the dear ones happy, here we go.

On my mind lately has been the passing of time. Michael and I will be married twenty-five years in a few weeks. I have a twenty two year old son about to get married. I just went for a mammogram. I frequently have this odd feeling that I am living in a dream. I do not feel old enough to be married twenty-five years, have a son about to be married or for heavens sake, need to go have mammograms. It all feels strange to me. I tell myself to really live each day, as they are passing so fast, but then at the end of the day I wonder if I did. Time. Fleeting, moving, never stopping, stealing from me if I let it. "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

There is more that could be said, however in an effort to not overwhelm anyone, I shall just give you a bit of this and that at one time.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Family and Friends

There really is something special about people with whom you share a history. We spent a busy weekend with dear friends of many years, and it was very special. We were all here. All the kids who aren't really kids anymore, all the new littles and even the new significant others, one husband and one soon to be wife. And Joe. You can't forget Joe, because Joe has been a part of our gatherings since the beginning. What a joy to have friends who are really family. People who know you and honestly love you. People who can get in the fridge and help themselves and who you can ask to go out to the garage fridge for the chicken or salad and they just do it. Family. Family is the dearest word and sweetest feeling. God is good!

Friday, April 9, 2010

I love these little sweeties

Yesterday, I kept the little sweeties for a few hours. I was very nervous about having Natalie, as she is pretty attached to her Mama. Nolan and Myles are good friends and play happily together. But the girlie had me worried. No need. She was wonderful. It certainly helped to have Nolan here for a bit of familiarity, but she seemed pretty content to be held by her Auntie Michele. Towards the end of their stay, I rocked her to sleep. I have to admit to a tad bit of wishing she was mine. She sure was a sweetheart sleeping on me in her little purple outfit. I had forgotten how nice a sleeping baby can feel. And, maybe, just maybe, a little girl feels even better. There is just nothing like it. Auntie Michele loves Natalie Ruth and Nolan Matthew! God is so good!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

In which I share a lot of randomness

Well, I see my blog is finally working right again. Zac and I tried to figure it out when it was screwy, but we couldn't, so I gave up trying. Apparently Google fixed the problem. Glad to see it.

I am absolutely loving this early spring. The lawn and flower gardens are all raked. The apple trees are pruned. The grubex has been spread on the lawn. Oh, how I hope it works! And...I have planted lettuce, radishes, chives and onions in my garden. Oh, sweet happiness! Playing in that warm dirt brought such immense joy. Michael has promised me three more garden boxes. That will be eight total. I get goose bumps just thinking about it. I started my own tomatos and peppers this year. We shall see how that works out. Oh, and I have four blueberry bushes to plant! I am so happy!

We had a lovely Easter brunch here this year. Just the family. It was so fun to see Myles and Nolan playing together all day. Nolan is a real person now, not just a baby, so they had great fun outside together. I think Myles enjoys being older than someone. He is very kind to Nolan.

School is plugging along. It has been a good year. Myles is finally reading pretty well, so everything is easier. Even math requires reading, so he is able to work much more independently now. Don't get me wrong, I still sit there and help him quite a bit, but if I need to go do something, he can work along at things. Being able to read directions makes a big difference.

Marcus keeps right at his work. He is very independent and quick to learn new concepts. He has actually gone off to visit Gabe for a week here and there and just taken his school work with him and stayed on top of his lessons. He is great friends with Gabe now, so this has been a lot of fun for him.

Well, enough randomness for now. I am glad to be back with a working blog. Perhaps I shall even post now and then. God is good!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Like Merchant Ships

According to my excel spread sheet, so far this year I have spent $1,157.14 on groceries. I have saved exactly $807.12 using coupons. That averages out to only spending $128.57 a week. That's not too bad for a family of six Monday through Thursday and eight plus Friday through Sunday. I am off to Price Chopper tomorrow to save and stockpile. I suppose that is the modern day definition of Proverbs 31:14. It is also a frugal homemakers definition of fun!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Let it snow...and turn cold please

I suppose most people are enjoying this warm weather. Around here, we are sad about it. Our rink is a melty, slushy mess. My absolutely wonderful father has been grooming about three miles of lovely trails through the woods for me this winter. I have enjoyed walking, skiing and snowshoeing on them more than I can say. Seriously, who can say that they have groomed trails to play on in the winter. Sadly, they are slushy now. Although I could still walk them, snowshoeing is not an option right now. Also, I have a little boy who loves to go with me on his cross country skis. So, while everyone else enjoys the spring like temperatures, we are very sad at our house.

Myles and Mama enjoying winter together

2018 Olympian?

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pantry Challenge Results

I did pretty good with my Pantry Challenge. I wanted to spend only $200.00 this month for groceries. I think I could have done it, but the sales at Price Chopper were too good last week for me to responsibly pass up. It was the toilet paper. The cheap toilet paper sucked me in. Believe me, we use a lot of it around here. I just couldn't pass it up! Or the free yogurt or the free windex or the 8 free packages of napkins or the .50 boxes of granola bars or the turkey breasts for.99/ get the idea.

Here is how I did this month....I spent a total of $312.83. I saved $358.38, which comes out to be a 41.82% savings. Not bad, considering most of my shopping this month was done at Aldi, where I didn't use any coupons. Most of my shopping was for produce and dairy. Except my Price Chopper trip, where I spent $145.04 and saved $208.87. Bottom line, I put $487.17 from our normal grocery budget away in a safe place. Hawaii, anyone?

Friday, January 22, 2010

In which I say thank you and jump for joy

I am not sure there are words to describe the joy in my heart right now. I feel like dancing, but find myself doing a lot of crying instead. Oh, the greatness of our God; who in a moment can set a captive free, call home a lost sheep, and restore what has been stolen. He is truly able and faithful and good.

You will remember my plea for prayer awhile back? I gave few details at the time, but still God heard your prayers, dear readers. And the prayers of a few trusted friends and family. My son, who had gone his own way, has come home to Jesus. Really, truly come home!

I have a renewed appreciation for the power of intercession, that's for sure. We really do not wrestle with flesh and blood and the here and now and what we see. We are fighting a battle,every,single day that is in the heavenlies, in a realm unseen. We forget. We sometimes mistakenly focus on what is right before us, when the battle rages in the unseen realm. If I have learned anything from this season of battle, it is that the only way to win a war is to pray, pray, pray and keep on praying to the One who holds the world in His hands and allow him to fight for me. He is strong and loving and faithful.

I would continue to covet your prayers for my son. He has chosen well, but I know the enemy wants him badly. Please, pray for a hedge of protection to be around him. And for a continued sense of God's pleasure for him. He needs to continue to feel the love of God toward him. Oh, the great, great love of God! It surely binds us to the Savior!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

save and earn money with me

I want to tell you about a wonderful site I have been using. The name of it is Shop at Home. It costs nothing to use, but you will save and earn a lot using it. Basically, you just sign up, then when you go to shop online, remember to do it through this site. Bookmark it or download their toolbar to help you remember. When you do, you will get a list of coupons for wherever you are shopping, and you will earn a cash back percentage. Usually anywhere from 4%-12%. As soon as you have earned $20.00, they will send you a check. Just like that! Pretty cool, huh?

When I ordered from Gurney the other day, I earned 12% cash back! Office Max earned me 4% and free shipping. When I ordered from Dayspring, I received free shipping. I will never, ever shop on line without going through this site. After all, it is free money in my pocket!

I have some other money making/saving ideas for you that I will share later. For now, click on the link and join Shop at Home. You will be glad you did!

Get 150,000+ free online coupon codes, printable grocery coupons, restaurant coupons and more at!

Monday, January 18, 2010

sad reality

I wonder how many divine appointments I miss because I am too uncertain, afraid or unwilling? I wonder if heaven will be less populated because I didn't sow a seed or water a seed or take the time to reap a seed already sown and watered? I wonder how many people have stayed sick or confused or bound because I didn't have the guts to speak a word, lend an ear or pray a prayer right then and there?

Recently, I became aware that someone I had briefly met passed away in tragic circumstances. I had a few short moments with this person. My life was impacted by those moments, but not enough for me to be brave enough or willing enough to step out of my comfortable world into her sad one. I brought food for her body, but did not take even a moment to feed her soul. I could have, but I was afraid to. I wish I would have.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

In Which I save a lot of money and have fun doing it

This month, I have challenged myself to eat from the stockpiles, and spend one fourth of my regular grocery budget. Yes, I said one fourth of the normal budget for the whole month. I am two weeks into it, and am actually under budget! It has been so fun! The amazing thing about it is that we haven't gone without anything, nor have we run out of anything. We have eaten delicious meals every night and yummy leftovers every day for lunch.

For example... this week we had roast chicken with mashed potatos and gravy, carrots, cottage cheese, cranberries and pickles. Tacos, fruit bowl and mac and cheese. Homemade chicken pot pie, applesauce and cottage cheese. Party beef casserole, tossed salad and corn. We will have tomato macaroni soup and homemade bread tomorrow. For desserts this week I made a yellow cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate chocolate chip cookies. As you can see, we are not going hungry and my sons are having pretty good lunches out of all that yumminess!

There are a couple of reasons I am doing this. First of all, I want to make sure that nothing I buy goes to waste. I have tons of food ahead, and that's great if none of it has to be thrown out because it expired.I certainly wouldn't be saving money by throwing away groceries. And everyone knows I am all about saving money on groceries. So, I am getting creative and using what I have.

Second, I think we are so spoiled. I really think it is good for my children to have to eat what we have, not what they want. They are so used to having so much that I am finding they are becoming food snobs. Yesterday when I was out, I got a call from one son, who shall remain anonymous. He wanted me to stop at Stewert's for ice cream. Mind you we had ice cream in the freezer, but he wanted a different kind. The strawberry ice cream from Price Chopper wasn't what he was craving. Well, too bad! We need to learn to be thankful for what we do have and not be controlled by our cravings for more or different. Hopefully we will learn that lesson by the end of the month.

Of course, one of my main reasons for giving this a whirl, is to have all that extra money at the end of the month. I plan to actually take the money out of the bank and put it away for something fun. Hawaii maybe?

At first I was nervous about this whole idea. I thought I might have trouble figuring out just what I should spend that one fourth on. Instead it has been so easy. I am finding out that the only things I really need to buy are produce and dairy! I am totally stocked up on everything else. I am even using my grocery money to fill our water jugs at Walmart and still have plenty! My grand experiment is working out just fine and seems to be more proof that stockpiling can save you a ton of money!