Wednesday, October 7, 2009

In Which We Get Wet

Michael and I grabbed a sunny moment, threw the kayaks in the truck and drove to Brandy Brook on Sunday. You gotta get in the water when the sun shines these days, as the autumn days are swiftly passing. We had a picturesque paddle as the sun shone on the trees ahead luring us to the very end of the brook.
And then we turned around...and saw the heavy clouds gathered over the St. Lawrence River. We paddled hard and fast, but could not outrun the rain. I laughed and enjoyed the entire thing. It was a grand adventure!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Gotta Love Free

So, I went to Price Chopper in Malone yesterday. You do know about Price Chopper in Malone, don't you? That's the one where they double coupons worth a dollar. As in huge savings if you match your coupons to the sales. So, here are my totals from yesterday. I spent $192.47. And I saved $248.02. Yup, that's right I came home with $440.49 worth of groceries for $192.47. Not too shabby, although I have done better. I got $48.00 worth of Dannon yogurt for free. You can bet my boys are loving that. I also got 6 Colgate toothpastes, three deodorant and a few other things for free. Fun, fun!

As fun as this is for us I have to say, it is also God's provision. I remember when groceries started going up, but my grocery money each paycheck was not. I didn't see how I was going to make ends meet on that same amount of money. God was so faithful to lead me to some blogs that really opened my eyes to the savings that could be had through couponing and shopping the drugstores. I learned about stockpiling, so that I would never "need" anything, because I had already stocked up when things were at rock bottom prices. I learned that I should never pay for toothpaste or toothbrushes and never pay more than pennies for deodorant or shampoo or conditioner. I learned that when I can get toilet paper for .41 a roll, it's a good idea to buy a ton of toilet paper. So, I am going to share with you one of my favorite websites. Go there, read, follow links, and you can learn how to save money on groceries too. Because free is fun!http//