Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Well, life can throw you a few curve balls, that's for sure. I am pretty sure that when I was birthing sons, I never planned on any of them going astray. I saw a bright future, where all five of them made right choices and walked with God always. After all, I was doing it right wasn't I? Homeschooling, loving discipline, loving, nurturing extended family, church.

And therein lies the rub. The truth is it doesn't actually depend on me. They grow up and they make their own choices. And I hope that all that I did right will come back and make things right one day. That all the early training coupled with the promise of God's word will see my son return to Jesus.

So, I pray. And I ask everyone I know to pray. And then I pray some more. And on my good days I believe. And on my bad days, I let everyone else believe for me and just stand and keep on praying. Because in the end, I serve a faithful God and He is good. Even when curve balls are thrown my way.